Sunday, August 8, 2010

Let This Circle Be Unbroken

Posting helpful tips on how to live a life well for less in Appalachia USA.
Today I have decided to Blog about my life experiences as a single Mom in Appalachia, a single women with the desire to make it on my own,  A Mother struggling to make ends meet as well as my experience in regards to my journey on living well no matter how much money I have (or don't have) & regardless of how I feel when I wake up.

I have done an incredible amount of research through  life experiences and through my 40 + years helping others. I now have enough information to share through this Blog and through my organization, The Cause, Inc.

The main objecting through my work with The Cause, Inc. is to assist individuals and families in the Appalachian region in a quality of  living which aides in maximizing a families full potential.
Our resources are many; just check out the website to see it grow through weekly updates.
However, on this Blog, what I would like to do is to share  some personal notes, ideas, goals, tips and tricks as well as some recipes and good old fashion advice on how to live well & live better for less. 

I will also share with you how I reconnected with my true self and am how I am able to live the life I want to live.

I hope you will join me in my mission to assist others by sharing the things we know that make life easier. If you have an idea you'd like to pass on, Please email me at The Cause and I will share all good,  sensible ideas with the amazing, prideful people of Appalachia.
-Let This Circle Be Unbroken
G.L. Gagne'


lady Robin said...

Nice Ginger!
I am proud that you are my sister, and very proud of this work you are doing!

Ginger L Gagne said...

Thanks, I believe I learned some of what I know from really...Thank You! Love you! G

Unknown said...

Yes, someone else other than your sister is reading this blog. I am only sorry that I didn't find it sooner! Thank you for sharing your wealth of information. I love the meal and shopping planning, the coupon tips, and the recipes, especially the one for laundry detergent. The information you have here is great, and I plan to share it with everyone who wants it. Even if you have enough money to make ends meet, this can help make you a better steward of your resources.

Sherilyn Weinkauf