Sunday, August 22, 2010

Shop till you drop...

A week ago, a local Church called my organization and said they wanted to donate some clothing. I said OK, 'I'll pick the cloths up on Monday'. The voice on the other end of the phone said, 'You'll need a truck'. 'You mean a pickup Truck'?
She said, 'No, a U-Haul'. So I rented a U-Haul and brought my 10 year old son and his Dad with me to load the truck. It was more like 2 U-Hauls worth of clothing. At the time I was still making calls to see where in this town we could bring the clothing. On the way to the Church, I got the call that a space in the Mall was donated for our event and that we could have it all week long. What a blessing!
So I worked hard all week organizing the clothing along with my sister, my 81 year old Mother, my son, and some friends. We folded, and folded, and folded, and folded clothing for men, women and children. I wish I had pictures, It was an impressive vision to behold.

Yesterday The Cause had our first clothing give away event. I really didn't know what to expect...My biggest fear was that no one would come.
Well at 8:00 am when I lifted the gate at the Mall store front. The people were there, forming a line. There was a steady stream of folks shopping until about 3:00 PM. My volunteers and myself assisted people with their shopping needs, shopping bags, boxes, and my 10 year old son and his friends helped deliver boxes of clothing to the cars of the shoppers as well as babysitting some smaller children so their Moms could shop. The organization was perfect and everyone was happy and grateful. We had folks signing up for assistance and to volunteer. I was amazed at the smoothness of this days events. I estimated about 400 - 500 people came in and shopped.

By the middle of the day we decided that we should do this on a regular basis with clothing, food and house hold supplies. So what is next on the horizon should be the equivalent to a 'FREE' store. Supplying the community with all of the above on a regular basis.

The donations that were offered blew me away. The Appalachian Community amazes me every day. These folks that need help want to help, they want to give, they encourage, they want to donate there time...HHHHHH, How I am feeling I can not describe in words... I am so fortunate to be working with and for the Appalachian Region of proud, soulful, wonderful, generous people. They say that the Appalachian Region of the United States is the poorest in the Country.....I have observed the richness of this Region. I am a humbled part of the bigger picture that is unfolding in front of me and ever evolving.

Let This Circle Be Unbroken -


lady Robin said...

How WONDERFUL this all sounds!!

We have a 'pantry' here in Saco, that provides food, household supplies, and has a clothing give-a-way trailer that was added last year. Due to the success of the clothing donations, community need, and a kind supporter..a new building is being built on the site for the clothing portion of the pantry. Our pantry, after loosing it's original space it held for years, now has a permanent space which was donated. Maybe at some point, a space will open up to provide for your 'pantry'.

Vanessa Lillian said...

Such a blessing to be a part of something so simple..... Giving back.